Church School & Collective Worship

We are a Church of England school
At Hugh Joicey C. of E. School, we are proud to be supported by the Church of England. We work with the Diocese of Newcastle and Durham, and have close links with the local church to provide the best education for the children in our community. 
Our vision and values underpin everything that we do at Hugh Joicey, and we support the Church of England Vision for Education, which is deeply Christian, serving the common good. The Church of England Vision for Education has four elements, linking together to educate for life in all its fullness: 
1. Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills 
2. Educating for hope and aspiration 
3. Educating for community and living well together 
4. Educating for dignity and respect 


We believe that spirituality is an awareness of something beyond ourselves.  We encourage the children to look 'in' towards themselves, 'out' towards others and 'up' to the environment around them.

Collective Worship 
We value Collective Worship at Hugh Joicey, and we take part in daily Collective Worship, which is in addition to our Religious Education teaching. 
We work closely with our community, including our local church and members of the church to deliver acts of worship that are invitational,inclusive and inspiring. 
Collective Worship gives children and adults opportunity to: 
  • engage in an act of community 
  • express praise and thanksgiving to God 
  • be still and reflect 
  • explore the big questions and respond to national events 
  • foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness 
  • reflect on the character of God and the teachings of Christ 
  • affirm Christian values and attitudes 
  • share each other's joys and challenges 
  • celebrate special times in the Christian calendar 
Collective Worship takes high priority at Hugh Joicey. We take part in daily acts of worship, as well as prayers and time for reflection at the end of the day and grace at lunch time: 
Monday - Picture News: a time to explore the big questions of life and respond to national events 
Tuesday - a visit from Clergy: Reverend Charlotte Osborn, Curate Alex Firman or Reverend Margaret Sentamu visit school to help us to reflect on the character of God and on the teachings of Christ, and to celebrate special times in the Christian calendar
Wednesday - Singing worship: a time to engage in an act of community and express praise and thanksgiving to God
Thursday - Class Worship: a time to be still and reflect, and to foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness 
Friday - Celebration Worship: a time to share each others' joys and challenges, and to reflect on our school vision and values as a community. 
We encourage children to take part in planning and delivering Collective Worship, and our Collective Worship Crew lead opening prayers and the dismissal everyday. 
St. Michael's and All Angels Church 
We have close links with our local church and the local community. We visit the church regularly, and take part in Collective Worship in the church at least once every half term, supported by Reverend Charlotte and Curate Alex. We invite families and other members of the community to join us in these acts of worship too.