The School Day

We open at 8.30 a.m and the register closes at 8.45. (32.5 hours)
We prefer children to be here promptly so we can hear children read, give feedback, change reading books and be settled for learning for the rest of the morning. Lateness causes disruption and anxiety.
9.00 - Collective Worship - Monday Singing, Tuesday Clergy, Wednesday Picture News, Thursday Class Worship, following the 'Roots and Shoots' resources, Friday - Celebration worship.
9.20 - Phonics and Spelling
9.30 - Maths 
10.30 - Snack and milk, playtime.
11.00 English
12.00 - Lunch
1.00 - PE, Swimming, Science, Geography, History, Music, Handwriting and Dictation, Forest School, MFL, PSHE 
3.15 - End of school day. Additional clubs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday until 4.15
Attached pre-school provides wraparound 3.15-5.00 pm.